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Welcome to Cotton Cover Up!

CottonCoverUp® Filter-Pocket Face Masks come in adult and children's sizes. They are reusable, made with two layers of cotton poplin fabric and come in a one-size-fits-all design with adjustable elastic ear loops. Handmade and offered in a variety of colors and patterns, new designs arrive weekly from the heart of the LA Fashion District. We also offer filter refills sold separately on our website.

  • Reusable, Breathable, Washable
  • Filter Pocket 
  • Two Layers of Cotton Poplin Fabric
  • USA Handmade

Our mission is to provide customers stylish face masks in a variety of prints and designs to express our public self in new and creative ways. Our staff is working hard to ensure face masks are in stock and available to all who need them.

Thank you for checking us out! Visit our website weekly for new mask designs and blog posts. Feedback is welcome-- our team would love to hear from you!



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